Join The Team


Graduate Students

Dr. Reed is graduate faculty in the Program in Microbiology & Immunology (PMI) in the School of Medicine as well as Infectious Diseases and Microbiology in the Pitt School of Public Health. If you’re interested in a rotation as a Master’s or PhD student, please contact Dr. Reed to discuss potential opportunities.


Undergraduate Students

The Reed Lab welcomes undergraduate students enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh, as either paid technicians or for research projects. Students are given an opportunity to obtain experience through the lab including cell culture, preparation of media, quantitative PCR, cutting and staining tissue sections, and microscopy. Student can also take on their own project, depending on their initiative and drive.

We have a specific need right now for a student interested in data management and website design & maintenance.



There are some opportunities for postdoctoral fellowships, working on influenza (pathology or vaccinology) or on the alphaviruses (pathology), or aerosol delivery of pathogens, vaccines and therapeutics. If you’re interested, let us know.

Technical Positions

Nothing available at the moment, but there may be opportunities in the future.

Join The Team